

最近我們公司要賣機台去香港 對方說付款條件要開LC給我們公司 可是我因為是第一次收到LC
3.還有就是我已經將公司外匯戶頭給他 可是他說這ㄍ戶頭無法開LC是為什麼 ?

對方開立LC後. 收受銀行會寄LC領取通知給你.

你依LC領取通知到收受銀行領取LC正本. ( 一份NTD400元)

你領到LC正本後. ( LC內容是英文 ). 可以請人翻譯. 主要注意

1. LC與合約內容是否相符. ( 如貨物, 運輸 FOB, C&F 金額, 付款方式.. ) .

2. LC之最後裝船日, 及到期日.

3. LC之押匯(兌現) . 所須資料. 及日期限制.

4. LC有無其他附加條款.

A1 - LC內容就是你與客戶商談之交易條件. 到時交易條件是依LC內容執行.

A2 - 最後裝船日 - 為此貨物必須在此日期前出口開船. 注意是開船, 不是你出貨時間. 到期日 - 此LC之最後有效期.

A3 - 押匯所須資料. - 就是你要兌現所須準備之資料.

每一個貿易, 所要求不相同. 你要特別注意此一項. 有無陷阱. 如果有加上開立人簽名. 那你就一定要開立LC那個人簽名, 不然LC是領不到錢

日期限制 - 貨物開船後. 必須在多少時間內將LC押匯. 不然LC不行押匯. 你自己看在期限內是否可準備資料齊全

A4 - 其他附加條款

對方開立LC時會將其他附帶條件開在裡面. 必須要依照此條件作業. 請注意有無其他附帶條件

上述問題中. 第一二項. 問題比較少. 因為那是依據合約

大部份陷阱在第三及第四項. 條件你無法達成, LC不行押匯

例如. 出貨港口為台北港口. 那除非他同意支付. 不然押不了

因為台北沒有國際港口, 是從基隆港出口. 要寫基隆港或台灣港口. ( 很多LC他不是故意的. 但國外客戶他分不清台灣與台北)

如果發現LC條款有問題. 或已經來不及在最後裝船日裝船. 一定要對方更改LC. 不然就算你已出貨. 那LC也無法押匯. 必須等開立人同意. 通知開立銀行付款. - 因為那就是 " 瑕疵LC " 可以不付款

LC押匯很簡單. 只要你將所有押匯資料備齊. 並且LC無瑕疵情況. 將資料及匯票送到收受銀行.

收受銀行會向開立銀行收取. 等貨款下來後. 收受銀行會將此款轉入你帳戶.

LC開立其實是不須要帳戶. 因為LC是銀行與銀行作業

開立人到開立銀行開LC. 開立銀行會向開立人收取全額或部份LC金額. ( 依開立人與開立銀行信用額度而定). 開立銀行他賺取利息.

而開立銀行開出LC至收受銀行. 由收受銀行代為收取. ( 他賺取手續費用 )

所以LC開立只會開到那一家銀行 ( 收受銀行 ) 及上面有收取人名稱. ( 你公司 )


所以你說戶頭不能開, 是指你銀行帳號嗎 ? 那是當然 !

LC只會開到銀行 ( 收受銀行 ) 及上面有收取人名稱. ( 你公司全名 )

沒有開到銀行帳戶 ( 帳號 )


真正LC戶頭無法開. 那是指收受銀行 並非 開立銀行 之業務往來銀行二家銀行沒有業務來往 !

開立銀行必須將全部金額放入開立銀行. ( 如只放部分那是開立銀行與開立人的事. 不足部份算是銀行借他. 銀行收利息. ) 所以只要合於LC押匯條件. 開立銀行就必須付款. 所以賣方不用擔心買方沒錢
至於買方有LC條款保障. 賣方必須依照條款行事. 不用擔心賣方不出貨. ( 條款中可加出貨前驗貨條款. )

所以真正大筆國際貿易. 是使用信用狀. 比較不會使用電匯 ( T/T ) . 因為你擔心出貨後會收不到錢. 買方也會擔心你收到錢後不出貨.
所以在國際貿易上 ( T/T ) 比較少使用. 除非是小金額. 或雙方已經是非常互信.

1.貿易款 (EX. FOB CIF....)



4.受益人 (就是你們公司) 開狀人(對方公司)




一般CIF的估價比較麻煩,比如你的客戶在上海他要你報CIF上海,也就是說你要幫他把貨送到上海的港口(通常是黃浦港),保險費只要問一下台灣的保險公司就知道了,運費就要看對方所訂的量,如果量大足以裝成整櫃比較單純.只要問一下運輸公司跟報關行相關費用就可以抓出來了,如果量少不足以裝成整櫃,你自己要看當時的量裝好之後有多重,才數多少,再去請教運輸公司才抓的出來費用,通常不是很準確,不過我建議你先確定訂單數量後,有了量再去抓運費跟保險比較省事,而且你可以採取分離報價讓對方決定是要用FOB或是 CIF方式交易.,例如:FOB: USD 3,500(貨價)海運運費 : USD 300/20'(基隆->上海)保險費 : USD 15TOTAL : CIF USD 3,815

CFR.是買方只托賣方報價時,再加上運費,出港後,運輸風險由買方負責,萬一途中掉落海裡,賣方是概不負責的.CFR成本加運費CIF 成本.運費還包括保險

1 FOB: Free on Board, 貨價包含在裝運港的裝貨費用, 貨物越過船舷之後,所產生的費用,皆由買方負擔.
2 FAS: Free Alongside Ship, 貨價不包含裝貨費用, 賣方只負擔到把貨物送抵碼頭的費用.
FAS不實用, 因為出口港的有關費用還是由出口商負擔比較方便, 因此 FOB比較可行.
Dear Simon,

Good day! This is Monica from XXX Co., Ltd. It is my pleasure to serve you and I hope we could have a good cooperation relationship in the future.

Yes, we have factory in China. But we do not have RMB account, so we cannot provide you quotation in RMB.

Due to troublesome Chinese contract, we are prohibited to ship cargo to your China branch unless your China branch have such contract. We can check it with Mr. Hwang for this issue later.

As to order quantity, as what Evelyn informed you yesterday that because our previous stocks are running out and our suppliers will not accept any order lower 500 pcs, we cannot support you quantity below 500 pcs anymore. Our materials are always purchased according to customer's order. Please kindly understand it and we will appreciate if you can increase order to 500 pcs.

Thanks for your kind understanding in advance. We are looking forward to you response.

Best regards,
Monica 12-Mar-2008
Sales Department
XXX Co., Ltd.
Tel:+886-2-xxxx-xxxx Ext.xxx
Website: www.xxx.com.tw
E-mail: monica@xxx.com.tw


客戶來inquiry , 但無提及對哪款機種有興趣也無留該公司相關資料

Dear Sir,

Good morning!!

Receive your inquiry with many thanks.

Please feel free to visit our website www.xxx.com.tw(我司網站).

You are more than welcome to let us know which products you prefer in our website

and we will be pleased to provide you the related detail and the very best price.

In addition, please kindly provide us the information about your company.

Do you have your own website? What is your channels of distribution?

We look forward to hearing you very soon. Thank you!

Best wishes to you for the coming 2008~

Best Regards,.
XXX(人名) from XXX(公司名)


客戶喜歡的機種phased out了 , 推薦客戶別的機種

Dear XXX,

Good day to you.

I am sorry for the late reply.

Please kindly be informed that XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX(型號) are all phased out.

XXX(型號) is exclusive in UK. Sorry.

In this case, I would like to provide you the price for BSP-C7520 and introduce you BSH-9121 skype phone.

I have attached the spec for BSH-9121 skype phone here for your reference.

XXX(型號) skype phone is our very recent product.

If you are quite interested in this product, I will provide you a very good price for this item.

As regards XXX(型號), the quote is attached here, and the certificates are attached.

Please advise. Thank you.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any question or comment, I will be glad to answer.

Thank you again and wish you a very nice day!!

Best Regards,



Dear XXX,

Thank you for your reply.

Frankly speaking, I really would like to have the chance to work with you,

because you seem to be someone serious and understanding.

I would like to try my best to apply the sample for XXX客戶公司名.

However, the problem is that bluetooth speakers are very popular now,

and our existing models are not a lot, many models are still under developing and are expected to be completed in the beginning of year 2008.

Now many customers are asking the samples from us,and many of them would like to have the exclusive of the products.

Hence, now our company has very strict rule of supplying samples to new customers.

The strict rule of supplying samples will protect our customers' business and prevent market conflict.

I believe you can understand. ^_^

Could you let us know your customer's company name? the shop name?

Do they have their own brand?

If you could kindly provide me these information of your customers, it will help me to get the sample.

XXX我司公司名 is a trustworthy company which has very good reputation of co-operating with many trading companies, whole salvers, retailers and big companies.

Hence, please do not worry about our reliability.

Thank you.

I will await your further response.

Today is Christmas Eve, let me wish you a very happy Christmas Eve and wonderful Christmas!!


報價給客戶,再作追蹝客戶之意願( 範例 2 )

Dear XXX,

Good day to you!!

Please kindly let us know if you receive our quotation on Dec. 14th.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any question or comment regarding this quotation.

Thank you and wish you a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

Best Wishes from XXX自己名 at XXX公司名


謝謝客戶的卡片祝福,與確認meeting time

Dear XXX,

I am sorry for the late reply because I was not at office yesterday.

Our VP-Mr. Michael-Deng(鄧副總) confirms the meeting time of 10 am on Wednesday 9th January. Thank you.

I would like to be in behalf of Juster to thank you (我想代表 Juster謝謝您) for your kind seasons greetings and forward our best greetings to you Armour.

We XXX公司名 looks forward to developing even closer business relationship with you in the coming year. ^_^

Please take care and wish you a very happy and beautiful holiday!!

Very warm and kind wishes,